Carrots, We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Carrots

I was venting to Miss KT yesterday about a carrot that is dangling in front of my face and is derailing me from my career related pursuits. She asked me “Did you blog about this?” Of course I didn’t! What? Have you looked at my blog? It looks more deserted than San Francisco after the Apocalypse! Note to self, you created this blog to be a sounding board for your experiences as an unemployed TwirtyGrrl so maybe, just maybe you should share those experiences? Just a thought.

Here’s the story about that carrot. Late November/early December I was referred to an open position and interviewed for what I discovered would be a great job, a job that I saw myself in, for a company I saw myself being a part of, a boss that I saw as a coach and team leader. This was the job that would be the polar opposite of my last job, a job that was so terrible at times that I am still having nightmares. Well, I didn’t get the job. It was tragic and I was perplexed. What I came to discover was that there actually wasn’t a position, that offers had already been extended for the position and it would appear that I was brought in as back-up in case those offers went through. I was the victim of bad timing. I had been referred to an “open” position by an employee of that company that wasn’t exactly open any longer since an offer had already been extended, but I was led to believe there was an open position. That information maybe kinda would have helped me handle my expectations, maybe.

So, I blew the interviewer out of the water and I have heard time and time again from both her and the person who referred me to the position “As soon as we can add a new addition to our team you are #1 on our list!” Awesome right? Makes me feel good! The problem with all of this….when exactly is that going to happen? Is it ever going to happen? Who freaking knows! So it’s like a carrot that dangles in front of my face that I just cannot have. Even worse, I run in to that employee at networking events and she tells me AND shares that same quote with other people that I know so I get the double fun of hearing it out of other people’s mouths when I see them too! I kinda want to scream.

Anyone else holding on to hope of something great that is driving you mad because you can see it but you just can’t quite grasp it?

January 21, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Hello 2010! It’s Me, An Unemployed TwirtyGrrl!

Oh my quiet little blog has been haunting me for weeks! I haven’t written a single thing and I cannot even tell you how guilty I have felt over this. It is darn hard to blog people! It is even harder to blog when the blog’s author (me) is so focused on maximizing the holiday season to boost her job search for 2010 that she runs herself ragged with networking & meetings & interviews and all that goodness. My work paid off and I am feeling awesome about job search 2010!

I’ll admit, I was feeling more and more blue the closer the holidays got. As the days rolled on by I was being smacked in the face with the reality that I was going to wake up on Christmas morning unemployed and then have to face 2010 unemployed. Never in my worst nightmares did I think that it would take me *&$Q(&*# months to find a job. Never in my nightmare’s worst nightmares did I think that 2010 would arrive and I would still be a job seeker. What the heck?!?!?! This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be!

Well guess what? You won’t be shocked here, but that is exactly what happened. It’s 2010 and I’m still looking for a job…bleh! Double bleh!

Back to the part where I’m feeling awesome about my job search 2010…2009 was a tough year, we all know this. It was tough and also filled with so many successes! In an effort to keep my blues in check I wrote down a list of all the fun things I did in 2009. I also wrote down the positive impact I have made in the lives of others through my networking & volunteering efforts. Last but not least I noted all of my own personal successes as a job seeker. 2009 was an awesome year! My list showcased that the only thing missing really was the paycheck. Kinda important yes, but there isn’t a dollar amount large enough that I would trade for some of these great experiences & new friendships that have blossomed through the year.

I bid you adieu 2009, your impact will not be forgotten. 2010 I welcome your arrival and all of the great things you have in store for me!

January 1, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.