White Noise No More!

Hello Blog! I’ve been ignoring you. I know. I’m sorry. I am terrible. Forgive me? Remember how I said I was going to try to relax and step away from all of my distractions? Well, I did! Thanks to a surprise weekend away from the husband to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It was fab-u-lous! And it was the perfect opportunity to slow down and relax! I set myself up for success by leaving the laptop at home (a first for me) and I tried to keep the Blackberry off, which made it easier to avoid Twitter and Facebook. The first couple hours were a struggle but fortunately my husband was in a chatty mood (a rarity for him) and we talked the whole ride there. Once we arrived and sat down to watch the sunset I was shocked by how clear and quiet things became. We definitely were in the right setting. Looking back I am amazed with the crazy amount of noise that was clogging the pipes in my brain!

So now that I’m home and fighting the urge to fall back in to the same old routine, I have created a list of things I will commit to that should keep my brain clean of all of that clutter!

  • I am limiting myself to the amount of time I can spend in front of the computer every day. This means less time on Facebook, Twitter, email, job search boards, blogs..etc. Those things create a lot of white noise for me.
  • I am going back to my routine of beginning my morning with a walk to the coffee shop. No more home brewed Peet’s for me! The $1.85 I spend on coffee is well worth it when it means I start the day with a lovely stroll through the neighborhood in the sunshine…ok so not a lot of sunshine in SF but at least it’s a stroll 😉
  • I am going to use Twitter and my blog as an outlet for my job search exclusively. Basically I’m not going to mix business with pleasure 😉
  • I will not…I repeat, I will not look to see how many people follow me on Twitter and how many people come to view my blog on a daily basis! My tweeting & blogging is not about numbers, it is about me! And “me” gets so sad when people un-follow her. So sad.

That is my starting list! I think it is a great first step, I am excited and hoping I can keep the noise at bay 🙂

What do you do to keep your head clear?

November 18, 2009. Uncategorized.

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